
How to make maps company of heroes 2
How to make maps company of heroes 2

how to make maps company of heroes 2

The Germans even at low difficulty levels bring multiple Pumas, flak-halftracks, mortar halftracks, and kubelwagens, starting in the first few minutes. You accumulate MP and can bring in units as usual, but, every six minutes or so, you get a couple of free “armored vehicles”-usually M8s, M20s, flak halftracks, and/or Stuarts (i.e., pretty useless drains of pop points, given what you’re facing).

how to make maps company of heroes 2

You reduce the German score in the normal way, by holding at least two out of the three VPs-but also by killing their vehicles (10 points per kill). You start the mission (depending on your vet level) with at least an AT gun, an RE squad, and a thin-skinned scout vehicle (M8 or M20). On level 4 or 5, consider starting the campaign over, or editing the campaign file to reduce the difficulty level. On level 3, especially on one of the more open maps such as Lierneux or Bastogne Outskirts, it is one of the hardest AA missions-IRL it would be considered an absurd suicide mission. Combined with the Iron Man lock, this makes Ardennes Assault particularly tricky.On level 1 or 2 difficulty, with a compact, building-filled map, and a veteran company or one that is upgraded with early-game AT capability, the Armored Assault mission is only moderately challenging, or even easy. Hell, moving through enemy territory on the strategy map (which you’re often forced to do in order to engage somebody) will cost you some. Even a successful mission where you’re diligent about healing up wounded squads and lose relatively few troops will cost you a fair bit of strength. Missions can be attempted multiple times, but each of your three companies has limited strength and this depletes as you undertake military actions. It was refreshing to be able to screw up like that, but this expansion is also pretty heavy-handed in the way it applies attrition to your forces. My first efforts floundered around two-thirds in and the rest of my review time has been spent replaying earlier missions to see whether Relic’s claims about dynamic structure hold water. As a result of that I haven’t seen every single mission this expansion has to offer, because I’ve not yet made it through the full thing. Just as in XCOM, this means you can reach a point in Ardennes Assault where you simply have no chance of progressing and may as well restart.

How to make maps company of heroes 2